Updating Your Home Décor for 2016

A big part of what makes a comfortable home environment is the quality of the interior design—the colors, the furniture arrangements, and the overall look of the area. Most people would readily agree that there’s nothing quite like coming home to a relaxing domestic environment at the end of a long day and stretching out on the sofa or enjoying a long dinner in the dining room. In fact, the benefits of attractive décor are backed by research indicating that it can lift the mood of people in the area. Sharp décor also increases the resale value of a home.

Even so, many homeowners hesitate to commit themselves to the time and expense that they assume is required to transform and enhance their décor.  Home interior upgrades, however, can far more manageable than they believe. It’s possible to make dramatic improvements simply by rearranging the furniture and changing the color palette. There are some other easy but effective tactics you can employ as well; for more tips, check out the infographic posted in the space below.

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